Surf Spots

1 - Baby Point - this is the point we take all the beginners out to teach, here the waves get to 2-3ft high with a right hand break and shallow sandy bottom.
From July to November are the best times to begin your surfing here.
2 - Pottuvil Point - from August to November this point has a very long right hand break you can ride this wave into shore with a generous amount of 1000 metres distance to pull some tricks and experience a barrel. We recommend this for experienced surfers but after your weeks lessons you will be prepared enough for this excellent surf.
3 - Whiskey point - this point is good all year round especially for long boarders and paddle boarders also kite surfers are always out enjoying the windy shores. The waves here get to 3-4ft high with a distance 200-300m to ride in on.
4 - Lighthouse - this is a beautiful spot for those more experienced and want to get out onto the beaten track. From Arugam it is a 40 minute drive by tuk-tuk, it’s a superb way to spend a day travelling and catching waves. On the way you can see temples, rice paddies and stop for a coconut. Here the waves reach 3-4ft high with a distance of 200-300m with sandy rocky bottom.
5 - Elephant/crocodile Rock - this is the place to be early morning or late evening as the sun rises and sets it’s a great way to experience surf and be amazed. It is within walking distance from our surf retreat so we enjoy taking beginners here as it also has a good length in the wave to have a bit of fun.
6 - Peanut farm - this is the spot for beginner to intermediate it’s a clean right hand sandy bottom wave with a size of 3-4ft high and distance of wave 200-350m best in July til November.
7 - Okanda - great remote spot for advanced surfers having the steep barrel waves and 5-8ft high. Its half reef and sandy bottom with a distance of 400-600m from Arugam it’s a one hour scenic drive on the way you can see temples, ricer paddies and lots of wildlife.
8 - Panama Point - half hour from our retreat for intermediate surfers. Has a sandy and reef bottom with a wave distance of 200-300m reaching 3-5 ft in wave height.
9 - Secret surf spot - in front of our surf camp only for skilled surfers sandy bottom the waves are thick hollow and steep must be a strong surfer. Wave distance of 40-60m and height 5-6 ft all year round.
Wind: Offshore
Type: Right hand break
Average water temperature: 28 degrees
Average air temperature: 32 degrees
Wave size (commonly): 5ft-6ft
Ride: 400m
Bottom type: Reef & sand
Average temperatures in the shade:
Nov. Dec. and Jan. : 26-28 degrees Celsius
Feb. Mar. and Sept. Oct. : 30-32 degrees Celsius
April May June July Aug. : 32-35 degrees Celsius